Friday, July 31, 2009

Homeward Bound

On Today's Menu: The Itinerary

I'm leaving Granada within the hour. I'll be taking the midnight bus to Madrid where I will fly to London around 8:30am. From there I will work my way around the world until I reach Chicago and plan to meet up with my Dad(!) who happens to be there for a meeting. Together we will hop a flight to Nashville and then make our way into the Bluegrass via Toyota. It's going to be a long trip...about 28 hours total with layovers included. 

I'll be sure to post again once I arrive and will have had some much needed sleep. So stay tuned...I'll see you on the flip side!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's hot. I'm lazy.

On Today's Menu: I'm too hot for creativity right now.

It's hot. So very hot. According to the news, Spain is resetting the record books as far as high summer temperatures go. Last Saturday it reached 118 in Mallorca. Yes, it is an island so I was near the breezy sea...but let me tell you...118 is quite hot. It makes me tired and lazy and cranky and unable to think and unwilling to go anywhere or do anything...all we can do is eat massive amounts of ice cream and then argue over who gets to take the first cold shower. I think my favorite part of the situation is that there is no air conditioning in the entire country. So it's just hot. Everywhere you go. It's sticky, sweaty, nauseatingly hot. So very hot.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Captive in Mallorca

On Today's Menu: some things for which i can't find the words...

when i look into the mountains

i see Your face

when i look into the night's sky

it sparkles Your name

the wind and the clouds and the blue in the sky

the sun and the moon and the stars so high

that's what draws me to You

i am, i'm captivated by You 

in all that You do

i am, i'm captivated

when i wake unto the morning

it gives me Your sight

when i look across the ocean

it echos Your might

the sand on the shore and the waves and the sea

the air in my lungs and the way You made me

that's what draws me to You

cause i am, i'm captivated by You

in all that You do

i am, i'm captivated

the wind and the clouds and the blue in the sky

the sun and the moon and the stars so high

the sand on the shore and the waves in the sea

the air in my lungs and the way You made me

the blood in my veins and my heart You invade

the plants how they grow and the trees and their shade

the way that i feel and the love in my soul

i thank You my God for letting me, letting me know

i am, i'm captivated by You

in all that You do

i am, i'm captivated

--shawn mcdonald

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sign #2

On Today's Menu: In Albaicin

Thursday, July 16, 2009


On Today's Menu: A List

I did my homework...

1. I read a lot of books.

2. I did a lot of research.

3. I took a lot of classes.

I was thinking...

1. Show me the historic sites!

2. Show me the grand architecture!

3. Show me the gorgeous beaches!

I came prepared...

1. Brought along a brand new camera.

2. Brought along a pair of cheap sunglasses.

3. Brought along a cell phone.

I noticed...

1. The slower pace.

2. The fast talking.

3. The lack of personal space.

I changed my mind...

1. When I saw Transformers 2 in Español.

2. When I saw thirty flags from thirty nations blowing in the wind.

3. When I went to the Albaicín and saw the last Moorish stronghold.

I always carry in my bag...

1. My almost full journal. 

2. My worn out Spanish/English dictionary.

3. My daily "20 Minutos: Granada" newspaper and 0,60 euro for a much needed caffeine fix. 

What I have noticed most about Spain...

1. It smells. BAD. Everywhere you BAD.

2. It's very loud.

3. It's incredibly beautiful. 

It's the everyday life...

1. I can't capture it with words.

2. I can't capture it with a camera.

3. I can't fathom trying.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Signs

On Today's Menu: In Toledo

Friday, July 10, 2009

What's In A Name?

On Today's Menu: Having a Blonde Moment

So I'm officially changing my, wait...I take that back. Spain has officially changed my name for me. I am no longer Leah, from henceforth I shall be called "Princess" or "Rubia." You may select whichever one you prefer. The guys living in my dorm are, like most guys I know, major Star Wars freaks and have therefore taken to calling me "Princess" original. Everyone else in the entire country refers to me as "Rubia," which means "blonde" in Spanish. When I go out for tapas or helado in the evenings, no one bothers to ask me for my real name. They frequently ask the gals in my company, but me...I'm always "Rubia." Usually a comment regarding my small frame follows, which also causes me to stand out from the group. I kind of like it...makes me feel special, unique, and a little bit like Malibu Barbie....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Year Without Rafa

On Today's Menu: The Topic of Tennis

I didn't watch Wimbledon this year. I didn't see it on TV, didn't watch any live action feed on the internet, didn't read anything in the papers...nada. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is...well, it's a big deal. I haven't missed Wimbledon since I was twelve years old; come to think of it I haven't missed any grand slam tournaments since I was twelve. But must understand that in the world of tennis, Wimbledon is the paramount, it brings out the best of the best, the cream of the crop, it is the Mother Tournament of all tournaments. If you are a tennis fan in any way, shape or form, you don't miss out on Wimbledon. You just don't. It's like an unspoken rule.

I didn't want to miss it. If I was home, I would have spent the entire fortnight glued to the television set, spent every morning flipping feverishly through pages of any newspaper I could find, talking about it with anyone who will listen (which is pretty much limited to my Dad), made sure my DVR never stopped recording, and then set into motion the plan of spending the following weeks reviewing said recorded matches. Yes, I am that pathetic. You have more than enough reason to worry.

Anyway, my obvious reason for missing Wimbledon this year is because I am in Spain...where no one cares about tennis. Alright, I'll admit that last statement was a bit erroneous. Everyone here knows who Rafael Nadal is, mostly because he is a Spaniard and is (well, was) world number one, therefore they know a little bit about tennis. For instance, anytime someone asks me about my interests, I halfway get the word "el tenis" out and they immediately respond: "Oh, then you are a fan of Nadal?" They always say Nadal. It's a logical question, but I'm not convinced that means they know the game or who any of the other players are since there are at least five other Spaniards in the top 30. 

In all honesty people, I had trouble deciding how to feel about Wimbledon this year. It's my favorite tournament and if I was home I would certainly have gone through my yearly Wimbledon ritual. But this year seemed so predictable. I hate it when it's predictable. It's boring. The Friday before the tournament started, Rafa, who I will admit is at the top of my list of favorite players, pulled out with a knee injury...stupid disappointing. That was when I predicted who would win: Roger Federer. It was a no brainer. Rafa is Roger's only vice. When there is no Rafa, Roger always wins. Roger is the perfect player...I have watched him play since he began his career and the only time I have ever seen him flench is when Rafa is on the opposite side of the net. Against any other player he is so cool and so confident. I think that's why I like Rafa so much. He throws Roger off guard and shakes things up so much you just don't know what's going to happen.  But this Rafa...hello predictions...I was right. (Side note: when Rafa pulled out I decided to pull for Andy Roddick, another on my list...did pretty well with that prediction, too).

I sound like a crazy, obsessed fan. If I had the same amount of interest in football, I would be the one wearing the official team jersey, jacket and hat embroidered with the team logo, waving around a big foam finger with one hand and blowing a foghorn with the other. When I found out Federer won today I was with my roommate and I was kind of disappointed about it (which is bad because it was such an historic moment in tennis). I started to tell her about it and stopped halfway through because I didn't want to scare her, but she was actually impressed...or so she said. She told me, "I have never seen anyone as passionate as you are. You take faith and things you are interested in so personally. You keep saying obsession, it looks more like passion to me." She continued on saying that I actually didn't come across as one of those "annoying lunatic fans" but more like someone who "sees a purpose and is passionate." I wasn't really sure what she meant by that last statement, and I really didn't know what to say. I just took it as a compliment and moved on to the next topic.

Anyway, you most likely understand now how much I like Wimbledon. I like Roger. It's hard to not like him. He's a classy guy and an incredibly gifted athlete. He placed a milestone in the tennis world today. I hate that I missed it...

Here is, though, the greatest thing about Wimbledon: There is always next year. I will be there...and hopefully Rafa will be, too.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 6

On Today's Menu: Experiencing Granada

I have been in Granada for six days now. My roommate and I were just talking about how it seems like we have been here longer than that...I think that is because this week has required us to adopt our respective daily routines. Now that we are comfortably situated into our "homes" and have regular eating hours, regular class hours, etc. we are all in agreement that our little vacation in Madrid seemingly happened a month ago. 

I like Granada. I hasn't really been too difficult to adjust to...not for me, anyway. Of the seven girls in my group, only two of us have travelled outside the United States (myself being one of them), and two others have never travelled outside of their home state. So, this is a whole new experience for them. For me, Granada is a typical European town: small cafes, narrow roads, crazy drivers, the usage of Euros...but it does have its own Spanish flare. Sometimes the high, wide mountains remind me of California, but the random billboards cut out in the shape of bulls indicate that I'm somewhere very different. I like it. 


Yesterday we visited the Alhambra, located in the northern region of Granada. This magnificent palace is what puts Granada on the map. It was the last Muslim stronghold in Spain, so the architecture is purely Arabic and so incredible I decided that pictures really can't do it justice. I tried...


but I'm not sure I succeeded. I do know that it was very, very, VERY hot. It is a different kind of hot here than the hot you experience in Kentucky. At home when you walk out the front door to go to your car you feel like you might suffocate before you get there. Here, there is no's awesome. However, since Spain is at such a high altitude, the sun is so much closer. It feels like it is sitting right above your head and you can actually feel your skin burning. I understand now why they have become so accustomed to siesta time. That kind of heat just wears you out. 

Anyway, so far Granada is making a very good impression on me.