Friday, January 8, 2010

O, how the wheel becomes it!

On Today's Menu: A New Chapter

Life is interesting. The twists and the turns that it takes. In one minute you think you have it all figured out. In the next you are completely clueless as to where you are and what you should do next. Had you asked me in mid-December about my future plans I would have given an indefinite response. Ask me now...I can tell you that "the plan" has become much, much more specified.

I have spent this past year researching various schools and academic programs hoping to find one that could be a "next step" towards a professional goal. I applied to a few, was accepted to some. However, and for whatever reason, nothing significant became of it. I really wanted to find a school with an excellent communications program and one where I could continue my studies in Spanish simultaneously...I was coming up short.

The first week of December I received in the mail a notification from Asbury College inviting me to a forum, which would be held in Bowling Green and would be given by the directors of the college's communications department. I decided to go, not really out of interest, but to support Asbury. I hadn't really kept up with the latest Asbury news, so I was unaware of the growth that had taken place at the school in recent years. Did you know the communication's department has developed a graduate program? Cause I sure didn't.

My mom suggested submitting an application for the next school year. I did. A week later I received a response: I had been accepted into the program beginning January 2010. It was good news, but unrealistic, I felt. This was mid-December. How on earth could I possibly get all my ducks in a row by January? I decided to make a trip to the school myself to see about correcting this. When I arrived to the admissions office, the counselor had everything laid out for, class schedules, name was there. I was astounded. I didn't know what to think. Everything happened so quickly. Everything fell right into place. Everything. After a year of waiting, hoping, felt as if God stepped in and connected all the dots for me, making a clear path for me to follow...just as He promised He would. I even get to study Spanish.

I would have never, ever, ever in one thousand, million years have guessed that I would go back to Asbury College. Life is certainly interesting when we finally give God all control.

It is, indeed, a new year. Happy 2010 faithful reader.

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