Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm A Nerd

On Today's Menu: I Love School!

It's officially official. I have officially been accepted by the Universidad de San Luis in Madrid, officially declared my confirmation of attendance to the school, and am now an official student of SLU. Yeehaw!

The past month has been an absolute whirlwind of pragmatism, anticipation, and interminable anxiety. But I assure you, faithful reader, things are steadily coming together. My advisors at SLU have been nothing but helpful and so far, every administrator I have been in contact with has actually made me feel that they would be pleased if I did, in fact, attend their institution. I'm sad to say it, but I think somewhere in the previous years I became too conditioned to UK's perspective on academia...they don't give a crap if you attend their school in hopes of actually learning something useful, they are just happy to see your tuition paid. No offense UK lovers; this is just one lowly graduate's scrupulous observation.

Anyway. The past two weeks have been spent emailing back and forth with my academic advisor (who is in Madrid) and together we have formulated a master academic plan! According to this plan I should be able to complete the program in two years...which is great news to me because, well, this little endeavor is gonna cost me one pretty penny. I figure two years is definitely enough time for me to get a firm grasp on the language and culture, but it is also short enough that it won't send me into the deepest and darkest of debt abysses.

My first semester I will have fifteen hours, which isn't bad since I will not be working. Here's my plan for Spring '10:

Spanish Written Communication (3hrs)

Spanish Oral Communication (3hrs)

International Culture and Ethics (3hrs)

Religion and Culture (3hrs)

Intercultural Communications (3hrs) -- subject to change.

I will have to complete these basic courses before jumping into the real meat of the study program. It's just like any other school: "standard education requirements must be fulfilled by every permanent student prior to disciplinary studies." You can read all about it in the fine print. Still, in looking ahead, the classes my advisor has lined up for me in future semesters sound most intriguing...I'm pretty excited. Just call me Nerd.

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