Sunday, June 7, 2009

Two Weeks Notice

On Today's Menu: Orientating.

As of today, I have exactly two weeks left before I leave for Spain. That's right. Two weeks. This week I am working my way through an online orientation program and will be taking a diagnostic placement exam after completing orientation. 

So far there has been a massive amount of information on culture shock and adjustment. It sounds a little overwhelming. According to the speaker, (the program includes interactive video!) it typically takes a student a minimum of three to four months to adjust to a new culture and to begin to get a grip on the language. I will only be there until August, which is not even two don't really know what to think about that. 

My advisor told me last fall when I applied to API that a six week class is the best way to begin a language program like the one I am interested in. These six weeks are good exposure and will help me decide if this really is the direction I want to go in, she said. I thought that was good advice, and I still do. I know myself well enough to know that I love to travel and experience new culture, people, language, etc. That being said, I already plan to begin applying to the various schools that offer such programs upon my return in August. I suppose it is still possible that I would hate this experience and completely change my mind, but I kind of doubt it.

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